Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
At this time, the leagues we offer take place on Sundays and are 11v11. Our primary league is a Coed 11v11 (2 females per side) with 6 total divisions of 36 teams. This Sunday Coed league offers promotion/relegation each season and is one of the largest in NC. In Fall 2024, we hosted 2 Divisions and 41 total teams.
As of Fall 2024, we also opened an Open Over 35 11v11 league and are looking to start a Coed Recreational league in Spring 2025. For those looking for some summer action, we also host the Queen City Cup in the first weekend of August every year with a wide variety of divisions (Coed, Open, Men's Over 40, Women's, Charity, etc).
With all this said, we are always looking to begin hosting additional leagues during the week and different formats (7v7, mens competitive, womens competitive or overs). If you have interest in helping get one off the ground, we'd love to help!
The first thing is to fill out a New Team Interest Form at the link below.
With a league the size of ours, field space is always a challenge and doesn't allow us to simply take every team that comes along sadly. With that said, we always have turnover and are constantly looking to find more fields and welcome in more teams.
We do our best to continue to grow the league, find fields and find everyone a home within our league!
Your first step will be to look through our Rules and make sure you are on board with how our league is run. We follow the IFAB Laws of the Game for a majority of our in game "rules" and our games are officiated by certified referees.
Next, you'll want to click the following link and submit an interest form for you as well as anyone you'd like to be paired up with. We encourage each interested player to fill out the same form. This Google Form will ask you various questions about your skill level and background playing soccer.
Lastly, prior to the season, the league will host a Draft in order to place as many players as possible. For those not placed within the preseason Draft, you will be on a list that's available to Captains to select you also. This is important to know so as to not be discouraged if not initially selected. Often, captains have players drop right before the season or simply need to replace injured players as the season goes on.
There are 2 fees associated with playing in MASL - a Player Pass & a Player Fee. Both are required to participate in MASL and will be charged at the time of registration (as needed).
Firstly, the Player Pass is a registration with NCASA (North Carolina Adult Soccer Association) which is our sanctioning body underneath USASA/US Soccer. This is the adult equivalent of your player pass you more than likely had if you played youth soccer in this country above a recreational level. This fee is currently $30 and covers you for each calendar year (ie 2023, 2024, 2025, etc) and must be purchased prior to playing your first game in our league each year. There are other leagues that fall under NCASA and if you have a player pass from another NCASA league, your player pass will work in MASL as well. No additional purchase required.
Secondly, the Player Fee. This is a fee that must be paid to play in MASL each season. This can come in the form of a full season fee ($95/team in Fall 2024) OR a guest player fee ($15/game in Fall 2024). If you are joining a team for a season, you'll obviously want to purchase the full season pass. Additionally, one cannot register as a guest player for a game in the MASL Playoffs.